Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Introducing - Yours Truly (that's - that's me)

Welcome! To my blog! Ya! 
Incase you are not sure of what you have just stumbled across, this'here's a Blog for my Writing & Rhetoric Class at BYU - (what a find!) You are welcome to keep reading if you feel so inclined, but if you were searching for a blog about the adventurous life of a Stay at Home Mom, I'm afraid this is not it. 

So, this is a bit about me. This is my first real blog, so bear with me. (I am not counting that silly blog that was made back in jr. high, when we all thought we were cool and had something important to say to the world - don't act like you don't know what I am talking about, we have all been there)

My name is Megan, and I am a 19 year old college student. I am still trying to figure out the "real world", but I like to think I am cool now that I am on my second semester. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (jurst one of dem Mormons!) , and I have lived here in good ol' Happy Vally all my life. 
I am studying Illustration - and if you reeeeally want to, you can check out my art work on my instagram account - 
knutmegg.art (please, please, hold the applause)
(ya' know, just incase you're interested *cough cough*)

I enjoy many typical things - reading, food, TV, sleeping, the occasional video game, some social media.  My main passion is art, pretty much any kind of art. I have dabbled in musical theater, and I really like to dance - tap dancing is what I especial enjoy. 
I can also be described as a major geek, but I try not to obsess abundantly. Though, I will say my main squeeze is Percy Jackson. Please and thank you. Those books have been with me since I was 12, and they have carried me right though my childhood. I would say they are like my Harry Potter, but that might cause some confusion and contention about the hierarchy of book. But, I must move along, or we will be here all day. 
I enjoy TV shows such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dr. Who, Adventure Time, Sherlock, Gravity Falls, Psych, Over the Garden Wall, and Star Trek. If that is not enough for you, I also enough movies such as The Hobbit, Frozen, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, idk - there are a lot of them. Anyway, that should give us something to talk about. Right? Maybe?

TV! MOVIES! This is what I live for!!

Well, now that I have just proven to you that media runs my life, I am at a loss for what else to write about. I guess if you have anymore questions about me, comment below and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer (or just write some completely ridiculous response)

Fair-faring friends, and I hope you enjoy the next blog you stumble upon!

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