Thursday, January 15, 2015

Too Much Influence - Theses Proposal

Social Media has become a very big part of everyday life, and for good reason. There are so many good things to be done through social media; you can share your religious beliefs, catch up with faraway friends, conduct group work for school and your job, and help promote your business. Still, there is a noticeable unhealthy effect social media is having on the rising generation. As we become more and more dependent on social media, so does our self-esteem, and we become less dependent on face to face interaction. Here are my reasons why:
1.Social media has created unattainable standards for teens and their lifestyle. With all the images of famous icons and better ways of living, they put too much pressure on themselves to live the “right way.”
2.Social media causes people to make false comparisons with their peers. Posts are always showing the beautiful and adventurous parts of life, but it causes us to falsely assume that every moment of their life is beautiful and adventures, so we feel we are doing something wrong when those same results do not happen to us.
3.The pressure to look good on social media has become too time consuming for pointless reasons. We are too caught up in up dating that we fall to see the lack of vault that such routines have.
4.Social media is teaching that self promotion is an important activity, and it has blinded us to the rest of the world. We are constantly fixated on our next selfie, and fail to think of more valuable things around us.
5.Social media has caused us to become reliant on others of the wrong reason - components. If our selfie does not have enough likes, or post does not get enough hits, we mark ourselves as valueless. We are constantly reshaping our opinions to match those of the popular point of view, regardless of what we actually knew about the issue before.

I you have any questions or ideas about my reasons, or comments about the claim - please respond below! I would love to hear your opinions on this!

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with your thesis proposal. At least for guys, social media implies that we need to have a perfectly beautiful looking wife. Also, all the great vacations and adventures would be awesome if we got to do that all the time. This would be nice, but that's not how life is supposed to be. Social media usually doesn't show all the icky, tough, depressing parts of life that each and every one of us has to experience.
