Thursday, February 5, 2015

Faith in America


Purpose: The purpose was to establish Romney's view on own religion should work in relation to the US, and to help others understand where he stands in regards to his personal religion.

Logos: I thought Romney did well to mention relevant topics in his speech, such as the threat we face from "Radical violent Islam" as well as centering it around his candidacy and how people might view it. He also used examples to appeal to those who accepted religion, but might not have sounded very logical to those who have nothing to connect with in religion. However, we also appealed to those who accepted the fundamental ideals of American, and related them back to religion.  He was also able to build his issue using quotes from reliable sources pertaining to religion.

Pathos: He was able to connect with his audience by using examples of how religion has played into our countries past. He connected the people as patriots, and pulled on their heart sting while relating to the presidents time in war, as well as his own parents past roles in the american legacy. I thought his word choice did very well to guild the reader to his conclusion, he was able to use wording that would not come across as bias or off-putting to any one audience. He connected well with those of religions beyond his own by mentioning pros of those religions, "I love the profound ceremony of the Catholic Mass, the approachability of God in the prayers of the Evangelicals, the tenderness of spirit a,ing the Pentecostals, the confident independence of the Lutherans, the ancient tradition of the Jews, unchanged through the ages, and the commitment to frequent prayer of the Muslims."

Ethos: He established credibility by being willing to share some of his religious beliefs. Also, by refusing to make it completely about his personal church, he established his political credibility. He also establishes his credibility as a leader by mentioning his past position as Governor. He established an authoritative voice by noting his understanding of other religions, and in doing so also was able to identify with difference listeners. He also established credibility by relating his view points and candidacy to past leaders, who we all could recognize.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I really liked the points you brought up. I think the pathos that you said that he showed was spot on, and to be honest, I didn't remember those parts until you mentioned them. However, great job!
